What we do.

Electricity and Gas Procurement Pricing and Management

With over 18 years of experience in the energy market our specialist procurement team are able to carry out a full market tender to obtain the best prices for your electricity and gas supplies. We use our bespoke software to analyse offers from suppliers and provide you with a full assessment of options available to you. We will provide you with a recommendation not only based on price but also on the overall requirements of your business.

We monitor the market daily and carry out market appraisals. This allows us to identify the best time to tender your supplies and achieve the best prices.

Once a tender is complete we will ensure supply transfers and account set ups are managed smoothly. We will also ensure that termination notices are provided in a timely manner to suppliers to avoid contracts rolling over.

We also provide a bill validation service. We can arrange for all invoices to be sent to ourselves where we check you are being billed correctly, approve the invoices and issue them to you for payment. If there are any problems with the billing we will resolve the issues and save you time in the process.

Commercial property utility resale management (metering and billing)

Our bespoke software allows for multiple tenant bill generation based on meter reads or on an allocated split based on floor area or estimated usage. 

We arrange collection of meter readings from locations across the UK or alternatively we can arrange data downloads from sites with remote reading facilities. If you prefer to obtain the meter readings yourself we have a dedicated online portal where you can submit your readings for billing.

Tenant queries and disputes that may arise are managed by our specialist team and detailed responses provided directly to the tenant or landlord.

Tenants can access their full billing information online and we also provide data storage for all reading and billing data.  

We manage the whole process from billing to collection of funds for all types of utilities including but not limited to electricity; gas; water; heating and cooling.

We will assess both retrospective and ongoing utility use and allocations to provide the best possible service charge allocations and justifications.

We will establish systems and routines to monitor and determine service charge budgets and provide advice on improvement of accounting structures.

We understand the complexities of utility tariff purchase structures and will develop and maintain a tenant resale tariff structure compatible with the occupancy agreements and ensuring correct recovery and review as required.

Residential property utility resale management (metering and billing)

We provide a full Metering and Billing service. Our bespoke software allows for multiple tenant bill generation based on meter reads or an allocated split based on floor area or estimated usage. 

We arrange collection of meter readings from locations across the UK or alternatively we can arrange data downloads from sites with remote reading facilities. If you prefer to obtain the meter readings yourself we have a dedicated online portal where you can submit your readings for billing.

Tenant queries and disputes that may arise are managed by our specialist team and detailed responses provided directly to the tenant or landlord.  If a meeting with the tenant is required a site visit can be arranged.

Tenants can access their billing information online and we also provide data storage for all reading and billing data.  

We manage the whole process from billing to collection of funds for all types of utilities including but not limited to electricity; gas; water; heating and cooling.

We are very experienced at analysing and advising on tariffs related to heat networks and chilling services.

We will assess both retrospective and ongoing utility use and allocations to provide the best possible service charge allocations and justifications.

We will establish systems and routines to monitor and determine service charge budgets and provide advice on improvement of accounting structures.

We understand the complexities of utility tariff purchase structures and will develop and maintain a tenant resale tariff structure compatible with the occupancy agreements and ensuring correct recovery and review as required.

Water procurement and management

The water market in England and Scotland has opened up allowing customers to choose who they would like their water supplier to be. This means businesses are no longer bound to a regional supplier. Through competition suppliers will be forced to reduce pricing.  Also customers with multiple locations can streamline their billing by using a single supplier that suits their budget and invoicing requirements.

We can manage the entire process, collating all your supplies and identifying the best price available for you in the market, saving you time and money.

Heat Networks

The Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations 2014 require heat networks to be registered with Government. The regulations are designed to then require metering of networks to fairly allocate charges to tenants and allow them to control their heat use.

We can arrange the submission to the National Measurement Office (NMRO) and manage any queries directly with the NMRO should they arise.

We are very experienced at analysing heat networks, both district heat networks and communal heat networks and dealing with the complexities of any metering and billing requirements.

New mains connections and alterations; electricity, gas and water

Our dedicated team can arrange new supply installations and alterations.  We will manage the whole process from initial enquiries and quotations to finalisation of proposals and installation. We are experienced in exploring various options based on the customer’s requirements to obtain the best and most cost effective solution. 

This includes High Voltage electrical installations and major gas distribution.

Meter Installations

We arrange for new meters to be installed on existing supplies as well as arranging supply contracts if required.

We can also assist with general queries relating to site infrastructure such as supply/meter upgrades, supply decommissioning and any private works. 

Sub Metering

We undertake the management of sub metering including new meter installations, meter replacements, meter defects and survey and connectivity checks. This is includes sub metering for electricity, gas, water, oil, heat and chilling.