Case studies.

Germany Major Energy Dispute Resolution

Germany Major Energy Dispute Resolution

Servus oversaw a €3million energy dispute in Germany for a commercial landlord. Establishing the cause of the issues, working to a resolution and establishing systems to prevent a reoccurrence.

Incorrect Supplier Billing

Incorrect Supplier Billing

Servus established a misbalance of use on a commercial site and undertook extensive assessments to determine that a main supplier was reselling landlord energy to a customer. The total refund achieved was £70,000.

Residential Heat Network

Residential Heat Network

Servus were engaged to resolve issues with the recharging of a private residential heat network. By installing new data collection systems and reconstructing the sales tariffs the landlord was able to fully recover energy costs and residents were provided with accurate and comprehensive billing. Back charges in excess of £60,000 were recovered.

High Voltage Building Network

High Voltage Building Network

Customer had been advised that a new supply arrangement would be required for a property to facilitate multi-occupancy. Servus undertook a study and established how a building network could be formed with tenants billed directly by their own supplier. The total saving to the landlord was in excess of £90,000.